60% of what I cook has some seafood involved. If I do not watch out I may just become a sea creature. I bought some catfish one day and fried it and it really had this decidedly muddy taste. I bought a big package so I was trying to figure out what to do with the rest of it besides throwing it out. I decided to fry it but then simmer it in a rich savory sauce that would mask a lot of the muddiness. Yes it still had that essence of murk to it...but it turned out pretty good.
I am a good cook and obviously not a modest one...lol...but sometimes I make something that puzzles me. Now I marinated this pork for like 2 days in a special blend of seasoning. I put it in the oven and slow roasted it for like 4-5 hours. When it was done I was so excited and it tasted........drumroll.....just ok. It tasted like the pork I season regularly and throw in the oven for an hour or two. It was definitely nothing special. It was alright...but definitely not one of my best dishes. I promised to show the good and the bad so here it is...lol
Apparently I bought an entire container of fresh brussel sprouts so I had to utilize them twice. Fine with me. I am not a child anymore so I do not have an aversion to them at all. I browned them in a super hot pan with butter and chopped fresh jalapenos and put them on top of some crispy fried whiting. Yeah so what...fish and brussel sprouts seems to make for a pretty funk-tastic meal...lol..I liked it.
I love soup. No...not that salt laden grossness in the can. I love real soup. Pho, hot and sour, chicken noodle, shabu, the list definitely goes on. I am always making meat based soups so I decided to make an Asian inspired seafood soup. Light but complex in flavor. I used some sate sauce, sesame oil, and some secret stuff to make the soup. I cooked the broth for like an hour and a half then I added shrimp, brussel sprouts, mushrooms, noodles, scallions, and a few other things. It will not replace pho as my fav soup in the world but it is definitely up there.
I order out a lot. It is not always laziness either. Sometimes I just feel it is cheaper to buy something pre-made than to buy all the ingredients you need to cook it at home. Sometimes it is because I do not have what I need on hand to make what I am craving at home. Anywho...this day I decided I was gonna make an Italian sub at home. I didn't even care if it is cheaper to just order one. I wanted to make one. This way I don't have to say "light onion" and be treated to humongous cubes of onion that leave me with dragon breath. It was just how I wanted. YAY ME!
Most of the times carbs are not necessarily my friend. I have been known to just put meat in my plate and chow down. I guess that is how I keep my girlish figure...lol...;-). I am all for surf and turf. I learned to appreciate steak fully on Christmas Eve in 2008 and there was no turning back. Combine a beautiful steak with some shrimp and we are in business my friend. I buy this low sodium sesame ginger marinade and sauce and that is all the glossy goodness you see here. I added some mushrooms because I figured I should have a vegetable somewhere. Now excuse me while I salivate.
Okay a while back once I figured out how the hell to make rice and beans without wanting to throw myself from the roof I knew I had to do it again. I crossed my fingers and prayed the first time was not just a fluke. It wasn't. It came out just as good as the first one if not better. What can I say...miracles do happen. I topped it with some super spicy twice cooked fish. Have to make it again soon because that was the shizznit...whoo hoo...lol
Now anyone who knows me will tell you I have a habit of not making a square meal. Think about it....who has time to struggle and jump through hoops when you are the only one eating it. I am fat and mighty greedy but I am just not into cooking full meals every day. Well apparently sometimes I do. Honey BBQ ribs with my fav bottled sauce (Sweet Baby Ray's), steamed spinach, and garlic parmesan penne. All that work just for me.......whew.
Okay so this is a homecooked meal...but Johnresa did not cook this. This was a joint effort between my mom and my sister. Well I made the stuffing but it came out of a box....lol. Now trust me this is not my plate because my plate would not have had any black eyed peas on it (yecccchhhh). So nix those monstrous things and this was a pretty damn good meal. Not the best I have ever had but you can't blame them for not being me.....lmao.
Okay people I lied...lol. I thought I was gonna be back on a roll several months ago but apparently that did not happen. Sorry. Well I am in the process of posting and reviewing food from quite a bit of time ago. I will do better. PROMISE :-D